Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Design 1.2

 Section Showing Stairs Positions

Section Showing Studio and Gallery Positions

Art Works on Display

Textures In Model

                 New                                                                              Old

                 Reflective                                                                       Woven

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sketch to Model - Design 2

Patricia Piccinini
Adj - Timeless

 Ricky Swallow
V - Love

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sketch to Model- Design 1

Sketch Section
Ricky Swallow
Adj - Strong
Patricia Piccinini
V - Rest

SketchUp Model
Section Of model

View of  the Entrance

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Noun, Verb & Adjective

Ricky Swallow

N .- Love      V.- Hold      Adj.- Strong
http://www.rickyswallow.com/collections/image/sculpture/17 Accessed; 06/03/2010

Patricia Piccinini

N .- Lap      V.- Rest      Adj. - Timeless
http://www.patriciapiccinini.net/exhibition.php?id=34&pg=2 Accessed; 06/03/2010

Richard Goodwin

N .- Shelter      V.- Still      Adj. - Light

http://www.richard-goodwin.com/public_html/gallery/album/02_Public%20Art/11_Corvette%20Memorial/slides/Corvette-Memorial_01.html Accessed; 06/03/2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Creative Work

Wood Carving

(Click Image to Enlarge)
This wood carving of a tree frog was my first hand carving that I finished in 2004. A mallet and several chisels where used to rough out the general shape and then a sharp razor blade was used to finish the frog.

Original Image

This is a photo I took on the last night I stayed in Netherlands while on a holiday in 2004. It's of the sun setting in the East over water at about 11pm while I was sitting on a couch at a bar in Wijk Aan Zee.

My Idea Of Great Architecture

Fallingwater Designed By Frank Lloyd Wright

Designed as a holiday house for Edgar Kaufman, Bear Run, Pennsylvania USA.
The building is situated directly above a water fall and cantilevered concrete slabs protrude over the river. The Building's design and building materials help the house fit into it's environment. The house was completed in 1937
